Tu Mei Chapter II Gorgeous SeaTu Mei Chapter II Gorgeous Sea
Since the British engineer R whitehead invented the world’s first torpedo in 166, this kind of weapon with low cost,{...}
Since the British engineer R whitehead invented the world’s first torpedo in 166, this kind of weapon with low cost,{...}
She doesn’t know if there is no sound! It’s all her fault! Jiang Xuanxuan shouted but nodded in a low{...}
I’m not used to being pinched by other men like this. Ning Yun consciously wants to retract her foot, but{...}
These two secret methods have extremely high requirements for Yuan Shen. Moreover, there are many obscure characters in these two{...}
One room is silent. Song Ming and another young man stood at the edge of the six-story cake and bowed{...}
Otherwise, how to break through? Let the mind incarnate and break through? Isn’t this funny? "hey! The realm has reached{...}
Sumo asked, "What’s the problem?" "It’s a pity that Taoist friends practice chaos, but our chaotic palace is predestined friends{...}
"Oh, no! This dragon really wants to roll and run! !” Just now, the ghost player who said that the{...}
See master doubt Tao Chengwu explained, "Master, the two monks in the North Yan Xu family should be strangers. There{...}
九重靠近预备斗神双眼霍然睁两道如刀精芒夺眶而出直射九重同时滚滚如雷般音响起“等了这么久……终于有挑战者进入这里了么?!” “嗯正是~!”九重嬉皮笑脸道“看你戳在这里都快要变成化石了要不要先让你热热身我们再打?!得你到时候输了再找理由说我欺负你没活动~!” “……大言不惭!”预备斗神放双手攥了攥道“凡人来吧我会让你知道神、人差距你刚才狂妄言付出代价!” “那我就不客气了!!”前一刻还嬉皮笑脸满面春风九重脸色瞬变得冷峻霍然抢先出手祭起拳势朝面前预备斗神当头砸 “自不量力给我!!”了显示自己神力看到九重双拳如雷霆霹雳般砸不闪不避迎头而同样双拳齐出朝九重击来双拳砸去要纯粹绝对力量给九重一个马威 “轰——!!”一崩响两对拳头毫花假结结实实对轰在一起四拳相交处炸出一股股有若实质力量波纹向四外激荡 "… Hum!" Unexpectedly, the nine-fold grain micro-moves to prepare for the battle, but it{...}